Map viewer terraria find npc

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PlayButton.OnMouseOut += new UIElement.MouseEvent(ButtonMouseOut) PlayButton.OnMouseOver += new UIElement.MouseEvent(PlayMouseOver) PlayButton.OnClick += new MouseEvent(PlayButtonClicked) UIImageButton playButton = new UIImageButton(buttonPlayTexture) Texture2D buttonPlayTexture = ModLoader.GetTexture('Terraria/UI/ButtonPlay') _buttonLabel = new UIText('', 1f, false) UITextPanel text = new UITextPanel('Would you like to go Sky diving?') Main.spawnTileY = 100 // Do things based on choiceĬontinueWorldGen = false // reset for next world genĬoinCounterPanel.BackgroundColor = new Color(73, 94, 171) Internal static bool continueWorldGen = false Internal class InterruptModWorld : ModWorld Autoload = true, // We need Autoload to be true so our ModWorld class below will be loaded.

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